
Hey, I'm Chris

I'm a writer, podcaster, musician, and artist creating content to help you live on purpose and die without regrets.

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how to train your ego 💀

Stop Living For Others — They’re Not Even Looking My work as a writer, artist, and musician is only possible thanks to the generous support of community members like you. If you appreciate my content and want to support my efforts, here are three ways you can do it: Become a Patron: Become a Patron for $1 per month and receive bonus content, monthly hangouts, and more. That's only $12 per year – cheaper than one margarita! Buy some merch: Shop the official store to support the show and score...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Stop Trying To Be More Productive Before we dive in, I have a quick request. Today is my birthday – I'm turning 29. If you've been following me for a while, it would be amazing if you supported my work for $1 per month on Patreon because you get so much awesome value from my content (that's only $12 per year – the price of one margarita!). You can think of it as a birthday present 😄! If you don't want to support, it's no big deal – I'll keep producing writing, podcasts, music, and art to help...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

You’ll Never Find Yourself — You Must Create Yourself Before we dive in, here are two things I can do for you: If you're interested in philosophy, self-improvement, and online business, you can join my Discord to chat with me directly and connect with people who share your interests If you're a creator (writer, podcaster, YouTuber, musician, artist, etc.), and you want help getting started, building an audience, or monetizing your passion, you can schedule a FREE coaching call with me I’m...

about 1 year ago • 4 min read

Life Is Long If You Know How To Use It 🌹 Before we dive in, I have two opportunities for you: If you're interested in philosophy and spirituality, self-improvement, and online business, you can join my Discord to chat with me directly and connect with people who share your interests If you're a creator (writer, podcaster, YouTuber, musician, artist, etc.), and you need help building an audience and monetizing your passion, you can schedule a FREE coaching call with me What Have We Traded For...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

Can Your Suffering Inspire Others? The suffering of saints is the growing pains of the universe For most of my life, I was angry. I felt like I’d been mistreated by people I trusted, denied opportunities I deserved, and subjected to an unfair amount of adversity in comparison to other, more fortunate people. In some ways, I was right: I’ve experienced much injustice over the years. However, the more I examined my life, the more I realized that much of my suffering had been self-inflicted....

about 1 year ago • 5 min read

What Is The Purpose Of Suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do we suffer? Are we being punished by some cosmic entity who watches our actions and exacts revenge for our every transgression? Or is it all in our head—is suffering a condition that we inflict on ourselves by choice? Today, I’m going to philosophize on suffering, with the ultimate goal of convincing you that suffering is not a punishment, but a gift. I’ll start with a story. Diamonds Are Forever—And So Is Back...

about 1 year ago • 6 min read

How To Get Ultimate Revenge On Your Enemies One day, when I was ten years old, I was stick-fighting with my friend in his front yard. He was older, and he had a bigger stick, and I wasn’t particularly good at stick warfare to begin with, so he won. I was pissed. He always won, and I was tired of it. Nearby, I saw an even bigger stick. It was closer to me than him. I lunged for it. He knew he couldn’t reach it before me, so he turned and ran inside. I stood under the tree and gave my new...

about 1 year ago • 5 min read

How To Stop Anger From Ruining Your Life Get better at managing your anger with neuroscience and philosophy Nothing has done more damage to my personal life than anger. When I was young, I was aggressive with timid friends, I’d yell at video games, and I’d cry angry tears whenever I lost at anything. When I was older, I learned to keep my anger hidden –– most of the time. But eventually, it would come out: I’d swear up a storm while navigating Tampa traffic I’d yell at my computer and phone...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

To Become Wise, You Must Learn From Others Many people have an idea that, to become wise, or to “level up your life,” you must isolate yourself, turn inward, and reject the company of others. They say that everything you need is already in you, and that you can only discover it by meditating, visualizing your goals, and hustling in silence. I think that’s bullshit. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is certainly a benefit to reducing how much content you consume, shrinking your social circle, and...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read

How To Practice Self-Care Without Self-Sabotage Throughout history, there’s always been a thin line between authentic self-love and unrepentant vanity. On the one hand, it’s important to set boundaries with others, make time for rest and relaxation, and enjoy life’s most pleasant blessings in moderation. On the other hand, it’s important to “turn the other cheek” as Jesus did, to push our minds and bodies to the limit regularly, and to maintain vigilance against the corrupting gravity of...

over 1 year ago • 5 min read
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